Wednesday, December 19, 2012

10 important tips to enhancing your career

 In addition to losing weight and making more money, many Kenyans will vow to improve their professional lives in 2012. Whether it’s by getting a new job, going back to school or getting a promotion, many Kenyans’ dreams are related to their jobs and careers.  According to research, one of the top 10 most popular New Year's resolutions is job-related. However, in the busy months that follow, many of these goals are forgotten and never achieved.

Our wish is to see your career flourish in this new year. But wishing and hoping will not get you anywhere. You have to take charge of your career this year. Always remember, if you fail to plan, then you’re planning to FAIL big time!!

So, here are 10 ways to take charge of your career:
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Are you unemployed? Have you tried……

Sometimes an easier route to getting a job is by volunteering your skills. This works well in the NGO sector where experience in the humanitarian field counts. You can use your skills and experience in a volunteer set up to build your CV, improve job prospects & employability.

Volunteering can enhance your future employment prospects and enable employers to see that you have developed the necessary skills you may need in their organization. It is especially useful when completing
application forms and during job interviews to illustrate the skills you have developed through these voluntary experiences.

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    10 important tips to enhancing your career
    How to create your career path.

Read this and am sure you will do the right thing with your job search thro’ CV

The internet has drastically changed how people approach job searching and how to write an effective CV. Years ago, the classifieds section of a news paper could only reach a limited number of job seekers in a limited area. Today the internet allows job seekers to apply for jobs, thousands of miles away.

The competition that this has created requires that CVs be more precise and outstanding than ever. A great percentage of job seekers find their jobs through the internet and by sending out a good digital CV.


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